In alignment with our mission and values to create a just and equitable future for all, The Foundation is launching the 2020 Resilience-NYC: COVID-19 Response & Recovery Fund to support the growing organizational needs of current and former grantee partners and to support the adaptivity of community-led solutions to meet the immediate needs of girls, women, TGNCNB people and their families.
To donate to the fund, please visit
or text STOPTHESPREAD to 44-321.
Four years ago, the national political landscape shifted dramatically, which significantly impacted the lives of the most vulnerable and marginalized women, girls, and transgender, gender nonconforming, gender nonbinary (TGNCNB) people in New York City. The New York Women’s Foundation responded by launching Resilience-NYC, a grantmaking strategy focused on strengthening the ability of organizations to adapt and respond in moments of crisis while also protecting and accelerating gains made to secure prosperous, safe and healthy lives. Today, COVID-19, an economic, political, and public health crisis, has deepened the vulnerability of the most marginalized low-income women, girls, and TGNCNB communities of color, who are facing disproportionate effects on their economic security, health, safety and well-being.
In alignment with our mission and values to create a just and equitable future for all, The Foundation is launching the 2020 Resilience-NYC: COVID-19 Response Fund to support the growing organizational needs of grantee partners and to support the adaptivity of community-led solutions to meet the immediate needs of girls, women, TGNCNB people and their families.
During one-on-one consultations, grantee partners expressed specific concerns about their communities facing reduced wages and job loss, decreased accessibility to essential supplies and services, lack of access to healthcare, heightened vulnerability and social isolation, and economic distress of small businesses. Chinese and East Asian communities in particular are facing increased violence driven by racism and xenophobia. The long-term effects of COVID-19 remain to be seen. However, at this moment, immediate action is needed.
The Foundation is inviting CURRENT and FORMER grantee partners to apply for a six month grant for up to $25,000 in general operating support or program-specific support (if the applicant does work beyond New York City). The Foundation is prioritizing organizations with budgets of $2 million or less.
The Fund’s overarching goals are to:
Address the immediate and longer-term needs of women, TGNCNB individuals, and families most impacted by COVID-19.
Increase the organizational capacity of current and former grantee partners to respond to on-going needs of communities impacted by COVID-19.
Align our responses with other sectors to streamline and accelerate recovery.
The Fund is accepting applications on a rolling basis until July 1st, 2020 in the following areas:
Organizational Adaptivity. Strengthen the ability of organizations to address barriers to organizational functionality. This includes organizational technology and other infrastructure supports to enable continued work.
Programmatic Adaptivity. Strengthen the ability of organizations to shift and/or expand existing work to support clients/participants, members, and stakeholders, such as digital engagement and organizing, online census outreach in hard–to-count communities, etc. Supporting organizations to be responsive to the urgent needs and survival essentials of communities in the midst of the pandemic, including but not limited to meal delivery, access to healthcare and housing, mental health supports, and economic supports for lost wages/income.
Healing. Providing immediate opportunities for staff, volunteers, and/or members/clients to build resiliency, wellness and safety, grounded in community and culture, including resources to provide the space and tools to address mental health and trauma, and to heal in this moment of crisis.
Culture and Systems Change. Immediate actions to advance economic security, justice and safety policies that positively impact the most vulnerable and marginalized communities. Examples include but not limited to anti-xenophobia and racism campaigns; advocacy for paid leave for all, universal healthcare access, prevention of rollbacks on bail reform and other decarceration policy accountability efforts, affordable childcare, economic relief for small business owners, etc.
PRIORITY COMMUNITIES: The Foundation prioritizes the needs of under-invested, marginalized women, girls and transgender, gender non-conforming, nonbinary communities of color living at or below the poverty level in all five boroughs of New York City. In this grant cycle, The Foundation is prioritizing the following communities of women and TGNCNB people:
• Chinese and other East Asian communities
• People with disabilities
• LGBTQ communities
• Survivors of gender-based violence
• Undocumented immigrants
• Older adults
• Small-business owners and worker-owned cooperatives
• Incarcerated and/or systems-impacted people
• Single female headed households
Please e-mail Marissa Crawford, Grants Manager, at, to notify The Foundation of your intention to apply. If you are a current grantee partner, please cc your Program Officer. Marissa will provide access to the online request form via the Fluxx Portal, as well as detailed instructions for completing a proposal.
Proposal submission in Fluxx consists of the following:
1. Online Proposal Form
2. Attachments
-Request document: Please upload a brief proposal that provides a narrative overview of your organization’s mission and the work to be funded and a budget for the full amount of the request. Requests may be less than 1-page; we encourage submission of requests prepared for other funders
-Signed W-9 from 2019 or 2020 if not provided in the last year
-MOU with fiscal sponsor valid for the period of the 6-month grant request, if applicable.
If you have any questions regarding these Grant Guidelines, please email Marissa Crawford, Grants Manager, at
To donate to the fund, please visit
or text STOPTHESPREAD to 44-321.