A Message from our CEO and President, Ana Oliveira:
Sunday’s New York Times described the possibility that trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people could be denied basic protections in employment, health, safety, education—all facets of basic civic life.
At The New York Women’s Foundation, we believe any attempt to roll back rights for TGNC individuals is contrary to the core values of The Foundation and the interests of women.
As a foundation for all women, we will continue to do everything in our power to protect and help advance the well-being of trans and gender non-conforming people in ways that are created with, by and for these communities.
That is why we will continue to:
– Support all women, gender non-conforming and non-binary individuals, regardless of their gender assignment at birth. As women, we know first-hand how gender categories can form the bedrock of discrimination and domination.
– Advance philanthropy that funds, invests in leadership, capacity-building and enables partnerships to uplift and grow the work of grantee partners who work with vulnerable communities.
– Partner with our grantees, other foundations, and local and national organizations to explore ways that we can collectively further strengthen and enhance our efforts.
The hard-fought gains by the TGNC community are real and undeniable. To put it simply, they cannot be erased. This gives us great hope as we face the work ahead.
As always, we will move forward focusing on the issues that are relevant to the lives of cis, trans women and gender non-conforming individuals in ways that are non-partisan. Our job is to work with all of you to build a better world for us all.
We thank you for your steadfast support.
Warm regards,
Ana Oliveira
President and CEO of The New York Women’s Foundation
Make a donation to be part of our efforts to ensure that all women—cis and trans—and gender non-conforming individuals can thrive and live free of violence.